The University Admissions Office will be available to assist you
Here at CUNY we know that counseling professionals are vital to the college process, thus we view you as our colleagues and partners. The Counselor Corner is your hub for all CUNY admission information. Here you will find admission updates, resources for your counseling needs and links to RSVP to upcoming counselor events. Or you can Connect to CUNY to receive the latest updates, helpful tips and invitations to events.

student with laptop computer

Counselor Portal

Exciting news! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new CUNY Counselor Portal that brings:

  • Real-time application statuses
  • Access from anywhere, anytime
  • Detailed application profile for each applicant
  • Ability to download reports on-demand
Help Desk for Counselors


May 17 Virtual Counselor Cafe: Introducing CUNY Counselor Portal

05/17/2024, 10 AM
This session showcases CUNY’s newly launched Counselor Portal which replaces the Application Status Reports, its unique features and how to navigate your student data and download it.s

June 11 Virtual Information Session for Counselors

06/11/2024, 10 AM
Still searching for the best college fit? We’ve got you covered. Come and learn about our available CUNY colleges still open and reviewing for Fall 24.

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